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In the ever-evolving food industry, staying ahead of the curve is essential for success. GaP Solutions, a leading provider of innovative technology solutions, has recently introduced their cutting-edge point of sale (POS) software, EM Pos™ and EM Cloud™, into a local bakery. We sat down with Tab, the owner of Mount Pleasant Bakery in the Barossa Valley, to explore her experience with this game-changing system and its transformative impact on her business.

A Seamless Transition

With a bright smile, Tab began by expressing her delight at how seamlessly the transition to EM Pos™ and EM Cloud™ took place. She emphasised that training her staff on the new system was surprisingly easy, and everyone picked it up quickly. “The intuitive interface and well-structured training materials made it easy for my team to get up to speed,” Tab said. This hassle-free onboarding process allowed her bakery to minimise disruptions and continue serving its loyal customer base without significant hiccups.

Taking Control of My Business

One of the standout features of EM Cloud™ that Tab highlighted was the system’s advanced reporting capabilities. “For the first time,” she noted, “I feel in control of my business.” With the help of real-time data analytics and customisable reporting tools, Tab could monitor sales trends, track inventory levels, and optimise pricing strategies. This newfound insight allowed her to make informed decisions, reducing wastage and increasing profitability. “Every night, I receive my reports on my mobile and can review the day’s transactions and inventory status.”

Tab also praised the GaP Solutions Ezi Labeller system, which streamlined inventory management and labelling processes. “It’s amazing how much time and effort we save with the labeller system,” she said. By automating labelling tasks, the bakery achieved higher accuracy in product labelling and ingredient lists and ensured compliance with new PEAL food safety regulations while boosting operational efficiency.

Exceptional Customer Support

Throughout the installation and integration process, Tab couldn’t help but commend GaP Solutions’ support team. “The team was great,” she emphasised. “They were there whenever we needed assistance or had questions, making the entire experience even better.”


The implementation of EM Pos™ and EM Cloud™ by GaP Solutions has undeniably revolutionised Mount Pleasant Bakery’s business. The ease of staff training, advanced reporting capabilities, efficient inventory management and labelling system, and strict regulation adherence have all contributed to a remarkable transformation. Tab now has greater control over her business, increased profitability, and the peace of mind knowing her bakery fully complies with food safety regulations.

In today’s competitive food industry, staying ahead means embracing innovative solutions. GaP Solutions’ EM Pos™ and EM Cloud™ have demonstrated their ability to empower bakery owners like Tab to succeed in this dynamic environment. As we look ahead, it’s clear that EM Cloud™ integrated cloud-based POS systems will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the food industry.

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